Dear Food Network,
I have a bone to pick with you. I think you are trying to steal my boyfriend. You run late on filming on a regular basis, you make him come in early and leave late. You feed him meals so when he comes home he isn’t hungry when I am. I think you are trying to come in between us and I am less then thrilled about this. Since you are crucial to our survival I have stayed quiet about this, but I gotta let you know.. I am counting the days until you and your buddy Iron Chef are out of our lives for a little bit. I used to think you were cool and sometimes I even DVR’ed you, but I’m over it. You get on my nerves!! Stop being so intrusive you super popular tv network and employed of my lovey! Thanks, maybe we can be friends again in late August but I’ll prob be mad at you a week later when he starts work again.
Sincerely, Ashley.

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