YOU GUYS…. JOE GOT ME A KITTEN. FOR MY BIRTHDAY (9 days early!) I AM SO HAPPY. He is the cutest little cuddly smartest kitten in the world with huge crossed eyes. I didn’t even know what my life was missing until I opened up a box and this guy popped out into my arms. Joe has been planning this for weeks (what a sweetie) and on my way to Jersey my car was having issues and Stinky and I had to hang out in Staten Island for a while until I got it running again. I came home, and the baby was here!! I was so shocked. We named him Pippen. Meaning: he is a Pip-Squeak!, Peregrin Took (Pippin) is a Hobbit from Lord of The Rings, Joe’s idol is Scottie Pippen (where the “e” comes into place) and one of my favorite children books was ‘Good Night, Pippin’ .. We’re so happy.
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