As we get more and more settled into our new apartment, I still think about our old home often.  It’s not as if I want to live there again.  It’s more like I can’t believe how much went down in the single year that we were there.  I keep thinking about what memories are going to made under this new roof, what these walls will see & hear.  It’s so exciting, but a bit overwhelming.  Things here have slowly begun to unfold, they are getting ready to be a part of the magic.  I went through my pictures, and picked out some of my favorite memories from the year spent at 50 PPSW.  Here they are, in no particular order.

Thats our Christmas tree as seen from Prospect Park.  I wanted that to be our Christmas card, but of course I never got around to sending cards out, oops.  Pippen loved looking out the big windows and watching people come and go from the park, that’s him a few days after we brought him home.  My Dad came up for Halloween, we dressed up as Alice in Wonderland characters, got silly and then headed to the Village Parade (which we will never attempt to do again.)  Joe had to climb up a rusty ladder before we saw Sharon Jones because we accidently locked our keys inside.  Our apartment was on the third floor, that’s scary.  He ended up having to catapult himself through the bathroom window, taking the blinds with him.

We took recreational baths when the shower stopped working.  I napped on that couch, a lot.  When it was time to get rid of our tree, we just threw it out the window.  Well, Joe did the throwing, I documented.

Bathroom reading.  Our first tree- again.  Heather told me she was pregnant with her first child in that apartment shortly before this picture was taken.  Joe’s niece Riley met a kitten for the first time in her life, in the kitchen.    Joe’s first time sitting down after we painted our living room green.  It was a big room, took all day. Exhausting!

So many french fries were cut and baked in that apartment.  Joe doesn’t really nap, but he likes to relax.  My Mom broke the news to me that she has breast cancer in that apartment.  We cried together, then made an amazing meal and had a groovy night to celebrate being alive.   So many cuddles with the animals.

My brother Nathan turned 30 in the apartment.  Mandy and I had our last ever sleepover before she becomes a mother in that apartment.     Lastly, we enjoyed many sandwiches and beverages up there.

Cheers to all new adventures, memories, and recipes!

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