Incase you don’t know us (in real life), or don’t remember the excess in mention, Joe is a huge Chicago Bulls fan. He has also turned me into quite an honestly avid basketball fan. I never really appreciated the sport until I met Joe. He has played basketball from the beginning of his life, through school and even in college. He knows a lot about the sports and he knows most of what there is to know about The Bulls. So, that being said.. at this crucial point in basketball season, a Bulls vs Heat Sunday afternoon game was a big to-do for us. We woke up, walked to get bagels and stopped in the Wine shop to buy some champagne (and wine, for later) We were almost through checking out and I ran back to grab a second bottle. What if we ran out and the game was too intense to leave and pick up more!!! Joe, obliged. The game was good, The Bulls won. It was very exciting. We finished both bottles and moved onto the wine. I had a fun skype convo with Heather and Whitney. Then I put myself to bed at about 8 pm because my Nana’s 88th Birthday was the next day and we had plans to spend it in New Jersey.
New Jersey was fun. We brought Stinky along to get his nails trimmed and he was due for his rabies booster (I kept his Vet in NJ for now.. he doesn’t like change very well) Laundry! It seems like every time we drive anywhere we make sure to bring our laundry. It’s becoming quite tedious though.. spending time with family/friends but always having your mind on whether or not its the right cycle for the fabric softener. I spent some quality time with my Nana, we looked through old photo albums and she told us stories about my Pop-pop and her dogs. Some new tips on cooking, or knitting. The usual! After dinner Joe and I cleaned her house up for her and then we all sat down and played a few hands of Rummy. I spent summers at her house when I was younger and we would spend rainy days inside playing Rummy. She taught me a lot of things throughout those summers. Good, strong, things about cooking, sewing, knitting, shopping, needlepoint and latch hook, and how to play a mean hand of both Rummy and Black Jack. I adore her. After Rummy we realized we hadn’t sung yet (Her, Mom and Norm had cake the night before) So I lit the table candle and we sung out hearts out. After the wishes, my Uncle Norm showed us his new silly glasses fashioned from a Saltine box. We got back to New York around 2 a.m, it was a very tiring yet fulfilling weekend for us.

There was lots of jumping up from the couch and vigorous clapping involved.
We still haven’t figured out what to do with this shelf, until we do it will be Pippen’s favorite new place, in the middle of the kitchen.
The sun was shining on the drive down, Stinky was basking in all of it’s glory.
Joe couldn’t find his sunglasses so he had to borrow my $5 NYC sidewalk buy “just incase” car pair. I thought he looked cute!
I think she enjoyed our singing. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Norm’s saltine glasses. What kind of reaction would these babies have gotten at NYC Fashion Week?