This past weekend Joe and I headed a few hours into South Jersey for Camp Jam. We laid in grass, slept in damp tents, laughed, celebrated and listened to a lot of amazing music. Just the way September should be.

This past weekend Joe and I headed a few hours into South Jersey for Camp Jam. We laid in grass, slept in damp tents, laughed, celebrated and listened to a lot of amazing music. Just the way September should be.
So I was going to paint our living room green but the fireplace a lighter shade. Should I do above the molding the lighter shade as well? Help!
Just watching and listening to the garbage men complain about my car being so amazingly parked that they can’t get through to the garbage from the truck. Ha haas
As of recently I have realized I am missing something in my relationship. Something that I used to always have, and something that I related to and relied on daily. Something that I just can’t have anymore being in an amazing, healthy and loving relationship. I can no longer relate to sad, depressing love songs. Songs that soothe you and make you remember you are not alone in feeling hurt and lonely and regret and all of that weepy stuff. You guys, I literally have a playlist on itunes called “weep”, how emo is that crap? I want to slap former Ashley for that. But in all seriousness, I really like sad songs, and always will. But I am glad I no longer have to listen to them to feel better about my situation (example- maria mena “sorry” – which inspired this picture) I need some really happy “I am the luckiest girl in the whole world” songs. I’ll share my “weep” playlist in exchange. What are your suggestions?
Tonight I am skipping a free Hanson concert in Manhattan BECAUSE-
Ya’ll didn’t think this day would ever come, eh? Well, it has. I think Heather’s reasons for skipping are based around cooking, arts and crafts, significant other and kitties also.
YOU GUYS…. JOE GOT ME A KITTEN. FOR MY BIRTHDAY (9 days early!) I AM SO HAPPY. He is the cutest little cuddly smartest kitten in the world with huge crossed eyes. I didn’t even know what my life was missing until I opened up a box and this guy popped out into my arms. Joe has been planning this for weeks (what a sweetie) and on my way to Jersey my car was having issues and Stinky and I had to hang out in Staten Island for a while until I got it running again. I came home, and the baby was here!! I was so shocked. We named him Pippen. Meaning: he is a Pip-Squeak!, Peregrin Took (Pippin) is a Hobbit from Lord of The Rings, Joe’s idol is Scottie Pippen (where the “e” comes into place) and one of my favorite children books was ‘Good Night, Pippin’ .. We’re so happy.
we took a trip down to jersey to see my dad play. the venue is called the record collector. it fits in perfectly in bordentown city.
big daddy has always wanted a record store downtown, and now not only does he have one but he is also backing up one of his idols. peter stampfel, of the holy modal modal rounders & the fugs.
the space started off as a bowling alley, was a martial arts studio and is now this. if you are ever driving down the turnpike, 130 or 206, i’d take a detour and grab some records .. and live music if you are lucky.
the show went very well. mandy joined us and as always, i was uber-proud of my pops. (bob schremser on guitar, mike hoffman on mandolin, zoe stampfel on drums.)
Yep, folks. That’s what I did today. I drove from Bar Harbor, Maine to Brick, New Jersey and then home to Brooklyn, New York. I am finally laying in our bed, with the ac blaring, The Office on and my boys next to me. It was a long, long day. Road trippin’ suits me but not when I have work the following day at 5 am! Night birdies.
at the double windsor, brooklyn.
This is Nathan and I. He is my big brother, we took this picture last November in Philly on one of the short blocks that used to stretch between our apartments. We currently live 693.99 miles apart. Exactly. (thanks mapquest) But word on the street is that he is making his way up here soon. He lives in Asheville, North Carolina. He is a chef, music maker, writer, hug giver and wisdom speaker. We don’t see each other often or speak regularly, I feel at peace knowing he is existing somewhere like magic. Sibling bond is unique, I learned this when my brother and I began living separately in our teenage years.