Baby Steps to Feeling Fit

Let’s get this right out in the open – I am not good at FITNESS.   Any medium of movement without a dire need to survive, I’d honestly rather pass. I have joined fitness centers  on several occasions, went for a week or took one tough class that made my body feel like it was falling apart. Those classes always made me never want to go back for more torture.  THEN, I have been stuck with a gym contract that oh so conveniently is taken directly out of my account.  I have tried desperately to get out of it, the fine print makes it impossible!   I even thought about canceling my debit card.  Then, I heard they’d still be able to come after me.  I was stuck, and just too lazy to keep up with the gym business.

This was all before I met Mr. Joe.  He is very athletic, but in a respectable- not over the top way.   Loves to run, play sports, lift weights, push ups, sit ups, blah blah blah.    He doesn’t force himself to do it, he actually wants to.  Afterward, it makes him feel better.  It was shocking to me!  I know these sort of people exist- yet  I always knew I just wasn’t one of them (and had no desire to be, honestly)   I always admired the commitment, I just never imagined myself being committed to such a healthy man.

He has pushed me and inspired me to work a little bit more on my body (although he does love it “as is”)  I have even begun to pay attention to the fitness sections in magazines instead of just flipping right past them. Like every woman, there are things I’d love to change about my body.  The initiative to go  ahead and change it myself was until recently, well…lacking.  I love indulgence, eating & drinking what I want, when I want it.   Since I have passed age 24, my body has literally taken on the proof that I live this lifestyle.    I want to enjoy a long, beautiful life, looking long and beautiful myself.   When I get married I don’t want to go on the famous “bride diet” or when I one day have a child- be worried about taking off the baby weight.  I’d rather be excited, and ready.  Not scared to enter a gym or look at it all as a chore.   Take my Nana, for example.  She is 88 years old.  She exercised every, single day of her life.  Walking, swimming, aerobics, gardening, crafting,  cooking, it’s all activity and it’s what she strived to fill her life with.   For the most part, she is still healthy as a horse.  Age has prevented her from moving the way she used to- but her upkeep throughout life has kept her in shape to move forward today.   I’m on board with that idea, I’m trying to get to that place. To keep my future healthy, today.

Saturday morning I woke up particularly early, 7 a.m.  I tossed and turned and then I heard a bunch of hooting and hollering.  Oh yeah! There was a marathon happening in the park.  It consisted of  two laps around Prospect Park (3.2 miles each) then, the runner’s exit the park and run down Ocean Parkway- to end on Coney Island Boardwalk (thats pretty far)  I threw on some clothes, grabbed my camera and headed across the street.  The morning fog was laying low and there were masses of people running through.  It was amazing, so early, so quiet.  The repetitive sound of sneakers hitting the asphalt was borderline hypnotic, I felt as if I was underwater.  Joe and Stinky joined me 15 minutes later, we all watched for a bit and then took a walk to get bagels and coffee.

As Stinky and I waited outside for the coffee, I got a phone call from my Mom.   I hadn’t heard from her since 10:00 the previous morning- which is very strange.  We text all day, everyday.  I knew something was wrong, I always do- when it comes to her.  She gave me the news that her cancer, had spread.   She is going to need a mastectomy.   She is scared, angry, vulnerable, fragile, beautiful, strong, poised and full of grace.   Her body is turning it’s back on her, she can only move forward.   She originally had plans to visit Joe and I for the weekend, she was feeling very drained since she received the news.  Her hesitance to make the trek up here was replaced by a burst of “get the heck out of new jersey” energy.  She was on her way.

Life is obviously short, we all know that.  Lately- I’ve been thinking about the fact that being inactive isn’t going to hurt anyone but myself (mentally and physically) in the long run.  I am healthy today.  I think.  I want to preserve myself,  I have been inspired by my Mother, Nana, Joe and all those people running that morning.  Inspiration to move forward and keep my heart strong, my body and mind nourished.

After we ate our bagels, and relaxed a bit- I  joined Joe on a run around Prospect Park.  Remember, thats 3.2 MILES! I have done this once before (proof-  here)   Mr. Athletic has gone countless times since we have lived here.  While I stayed safely inside, being a lump.   Before we went I stressed about a playlist, headphones, whether or not my booty would fall out of the only shorts I have to run in.  Whether or not to wear my hair in a ponytail or bun.  I was finding every excuse to basically not be able to go.  But, I did go.  FOLKS, I rocked it.  I ran, jogged and walked (baby steps)  The park was bustling with people, the sun was out.  It was actually fun!   It cleared my mind, and took away my breath.  When I met back up with Joe I was so proud of myself.  I still am.  But today, I hurt like whoa.  I should have stretched.  I didn’t know that part. But HEY, I’m still learning.  I want to motivate people to do the same- with me.   The world didn’t end that day (while running I briefly dwelled on the fact that my last day alive was going to spent running, ew!)

[ My Mom & I after completing a  Breast Cancer walk in 2004 – Philadelphia, PA ]

Camp Jam, Spring 2011

[ picture from photographer of the event ]

This past weekend Joe and I packed up the car and headed to South Jersey.  It was CAMP JAM TIME!  Camp Jam is a music festival I have been attending twice a year every year since I turned 21. It’s local, good music, and good people.  My dad introduced me to it, and I camp with him every time.  I love bringing my friends with me and showing them what Camp Jam is all about, and I am so happy Joe loves it there as much as I do.

The morning before we left, I had exchanged a few lovely emails with an  old friend, Jess.  She and I met online about 12 years ago.  We were so close for so many years, but like most friendships do- an unintentional drift occurred.  BUT she is living in Philly now with her boyfriend and they decided last minute to join us camping.  They brought their two dogs, we caught up and reminisced and it was just such a nice, relaxing weekend.  Joe’s birthday was celebrated and my Dad got him a harmonica & Paul Butterfield Blues Band CD.  It rained a lot, we got muddy.  We drank a lot of beers and ate a lot of junk food.  Stinky had a blast, and he made two new friends, Zoe & Posey.  The music, was amazing.  As usual.  I just can’t wait for Fall Jam now!

New home? We hope.

I waited to post this to internet land, but it is 99% definite that we have found a new apartment.  It happened fast, and perfectly.  In the middle of a downpour, Joe went and looked at five different apartments.  I napped.  The last place he saw, he had a feeling.  He came home, woke me up, and said we can go back in 30 minutes to see it again.

It’s in our same neighborhood, on a tree lined block, has a private deck (!!) and is just so, sweet.  We put in an application right away.  There was another girl viewing the same time as us, taking pictures, loving it.  I didn’t want to lose this chance. A few days have gone by, we’ve been approved, we are getting ready to write checks and sign the lease.  It’s all happening.  I feel so much better. Although, I am already super stressing about paint colors and furniture positioning. I want to get back into the space so bad to take measurements!

Another One Bites the Dust …

currently: south point where prospect park, park slope & windsor terrace meet

Okay.  So.  I feel like a gigantic idiot.  Two days after I launched the “About Us” on this blog I received an email from our landlord.  She informed us that there will not be a renewal of the lease and we have just one month to find a new place to live.  There was intent to renew on both parties, but there is a family emergency and they need to have the apartment available for this reason.  Enter- heartbreak, shock, hysterics, betrayal and anger.   You might be thinking I am being a little bit dramatic here, but I’ve thought it over- I’m not.  Moving here was really scary.  Not scary because I was entering a new place, or because I might not be able to afford it, or because its New York City (okay, maybe a little bit of NYC-scary in there)  I was scared because it was GO TIME.  I finally had found a man who loved me as much as I loved him.  I had a sense of security, I figured if I was with Joe, everything would be okay.  I was ready to stop working only to barely pay my bills, going out to eat 5 times a week and shopping every other day.  I was prepared to grow up.  To start a career for myself (or try to figure out what I’d like to do) In a nutshell- I wanted to make myself, Joe, and my family proud.

We turned this apartment into our first home.  Painted every single room the perfect color (after many trips to lowes and debating)  found a home for all my wall hangings and a shelf for every knick knack.  Organized the cubbard and cabinets in such a precise way, sometimes even I think I’m on the verge of insanity.  Our families bought us housewarming gifts, we bought ourselves a brand new couch because the one we had didn’t fit up our steps.  The first plant I’ve ever been able to keep alive has flourished in our hallway (her name is Liza Manelli!)  Our love has grown astronomically within these walls.  We are two different people then we were one year ago. Pippen was brought home here, We are comfortable.   I (creepily) have thought about maybe one day, if we get married and have a baby, we can move the tv and couch into our small bedroom and turn our living room into a bedroom/nursey.  It felt so right. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I was at home.   We treated this apartment gently, made it ours.  Every single person that has entered has loved it, said they felt at home.  I am very proud of that.  We couldn’t help but wonder- had we done something to piss them off? There is no way.  Joe shoveled the snow during the storm.  We were never loud (except for one party, which we not only warned them about- but also INVITED THEM!)  We were never late on rent, not even once.  Our apartment was under 60 degrees half of the winter, but I was too nervous to ask them to crank the heat.  We still don’t have a doorknob on our bedroom door, we let them use our internet connection (dig this, we received an actual phone call for that one)  Thats all really okay, it is.  But we worked our butts off to live here.  We have paid them a lot of money.  Our choice, I know, but this apartment was *way* over budget from day one.  I’d like to assume they always knew that as well.  To be tossed aside with no preparation for said toss, hurt.  A lot.   I am struggling because although I know this isn’t earth shaking news- and happens to a lot of people, it felt very unfair to me.   I  want to keep a home, this home.

Since I have been 12 years old, I have moved every year of my life.  Every, year. Belongings and furniture of mine are spread across NJ and NY, in attics, basements, scattered. I hate it.  I usually was nothing more then a nomad, I couldn’t  stop bouncing and to be honest, I was exhausted.  I finally had something stable behind me, to support me to move forward and become the person I was meant to be.  I thought I was on my way.  Then, a whole lot of bad stuff went down in April.  My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, I lost one of my dearest friends in the world, Stinky had a dramatic visit to the ER (resulting in bad news),  we are broke even though we both work out butts off.  I was in a hole of depression, I’m not proud of that.  I had to leave work early a few times because I couldn’t be the “happy girl behind counter” and I cried, a lot.   Joe was there for me.  He literally just sat next to me with open arms.  The punches came one after the next and I was at the point where I asked myself  “Geez, what’s next?”  The night before we got the boot, Joe and I were sitting in the living room talking, I told him I finally felt both feet on the ground.  I felt a calm, that I hadn’t experienced in weeks. It made me really happy. The next day, I was having a good day, then I got the email.

We originally thought we could fight this.  Maybe there were laws to protect us? So we wouldn’t be forced out into the street so fast.  We had no warning, a month! thats NOTHING.  After calling Joe, my parents, and emailing my Gibbah’s, I got to googling NYC rental laws, talked to a few of my lawyer friends, asked handfuls of my regulars if they knew of any apartments in the area. Fail, fail, fail.  Apartments are so tough to come by, and be happy with.  We really just don’t want to leave our area.  We’re in our dream apartment in the perfect location.  Or are we? Our bills are piled up, we stress about spending every single day.  I don’t shop anymore, because I can’t.  Not even for clothes necessarily, but for food, housewares, art supplies, and clothes, too (obv) But really- we are sort of struggling.  We are only 26 years old, we’re both smart, responsible and well groomed creatures.  Should it really still be this hard?

At first when I would talk to friends about it I got the typical “Oh, it must be a blessing in disguise! everything will be great!” responses.  From adults (you know, the real ones, not us!) I got quick recaps of their horror stories and how it turned out to be better in the end.  Our oh-so-generous landlords sent a few apartment listings to us for places in not so desirable neighborhoods and STUDIOS! there are four mammals living up here, we CANNOT fit into a studio.  It was quite frustrating.  I just wanted to scream out “IM EXHAUSTED. I CAN’T IMAGINE MOVING AGAIN! PLEASE, LET ME BE SAD FOR AT LEAST A WEEK ABOUT THIS.”  Instead, I nodded and gave out a smile and Thank You (admittedly, Joe got a bit of the whiny schpeal)  After a few days, I turned around.  I started getting excited thinking about a new start.  Maybe with more storage and a full sized refrigerator.  Then, it got better.  I had been talking to one of my best friends about moving to NYC.  We briefly sighed and wished we could live together at some point in our lives, but me being an old bat (aka in love) closed that chapter.  Then Joe and I started playing with the idea of a roommate, to make ends meet a little easier.  A lightbulb went off, LIZ! We conversed immediately- let me get to the point- she is part of our apartment hunt.

This blog is about to get switched up a bit.  We aren’t comfortable here in Brooklyn anymore.  Also, we will soon have a roommate (Three’s Company?) and another kitty cat.  We couldn’t be happier.  Now, back to craigslist we go. Or, does anyone have any Brooklyn leads?

Eagle Provisions

Eagle Provisions is a market located not far from our apartment, in Windsor Terrace.  I had it on my mental to-do list for months.  Sometimes we’d drive past and go “OH YEAH! we need to go there!” I heard that their beer and meat selection was top notch and fresh.   Before winter was officially over,  a deluxe German meal was in order.  I figured, this would be the place to go.  Upon entrance, this place is pretty overwhelming.  The aisles are small and if you want to browse, other patrons and employees get huffy.  The beer selection was exciting at first glance- then I realized I’d seen all the bottles before.  The prices were astronomical.  Getting a growler from Bier Kraft or Grab is more my style (they’re fresh, too!) Their produce section was also pretty disappointing, same with their meat.   They didn’t have veal or pork, and when we asked for help, the butcher just pointed us in the direction of a cooler with pre packaged meats.  I needed pork fat (usually a butcher helps out a girl) but they could care less.  I got over it quickly and was mesmerized by their stocked shelfs.  They were very well organized.  Honestly,  I probably won’t be back here anytime soon.   Key Food was the perfect solution to everything Eagle Provisions couldn’t provide.


a little fun with the camera! =P

love birds bird bird bird is the word

girly girl

Netflix instant play and a cloudy afternoon with my baby pup

The Preggos

my pregnant best friend came to NY to spend the night with Joe and I. we headed into manhattan to walk around, shop for some yarn, and grab some food.

Me & Mandy, green bagels, Joe & Mandy (he walked us to the subway, then moved on to his friends)

Purl Soho, Kim had to catch a train, I caught a coffee.

Joe met back up with us, at Broome Street Bar.  We split some fries and Joe and I had some beer. I love posing with bellies, and Canal St is a nightmare.

Pregnant people should always get a seat on the subway!  This is creepy, but something Mandy and I have been doing since we are 15 years old, pushing our bellies out as far as we can, pretending we are pregnant.  Except this time, she really is! I love it.

Reubens! Yes!!!

Something we might as well just get out there now, we love Reubens!  Okay, any open faced sandwich with melted cheese with be warmly greeted.  But, a Reuben is the favored in this kitchen.  Unfortunately, I haven’t had very many delicious ones out to eat lately.  People be slacking on the corned beef front.  I’d like to let you all in on just how easy it can be.  You can perfect this delicious sandwich and amaze guests right from home!

You’ll Need:
-Rye Bread
-Swiss Cheese
-Russian Dressing
-Sauerkraut (or coleslaw)
-Corned Beef
-Paprika (optional)

Lets do this: Turn on broiler.  Medium toast your bread.  If corned beef is cold, zap it in the microwave for 15 seconds.  Spray a non-stick cookie sheet.  Place bread and layer on in this order-  1. Russian dressing   2. Kraut or Slaw   3. Corned Beef   4. Swiss!   Sprinkle fairy dust (er, paprika, but have fun, pretend its fairy dust) on the top and place under broiler for 3 minutes (or until appropriately melted)  You gotta use a steak knife and fork, I like to dip in extra dressing also.

I don’t keep dressings in my fridge (except caesar) I make my own!  they’re so easy people! and it takes 2 minutes with all things you most likely have in your fridge already.

-2 tbs Ketchup
-2 tbs Mayo
-1 tbs sweet relish
-dash Worcestershire sauce
-quick pour of white wine and/or apple cider vinegar
-squeeze of liquid sugar or honey
-salt & pepper

whisk all that up and you will have a tasty russian dressing. Make your own dressings! Let the spirit move you.

one more thing-if you dont have corned beef (really, who does?) try pastrami or roast beef!


Joe is currently the dish washer/food prep dude on a show called Mad Hungry with Lucinda Scala Quinn. He works with Calder and Micheli – they became fast friends and the four of us went on a food tour to see what Brooklyn China Town’s food scene is all about, otherwise known as Sunset Park.  The two of them were familiar with the area and had places in mind.  Compared to Park Slope, it’s a whole different world there. It’s easy to forget how close in proximity we are to so many different cultures until you quickly transplant yourself into the next neighborhood.

It was a seriously rainy night, so we drove the 20-or-so odd blocks, found parking and ran into a dumpling shop.  Super small, one guy behind the counter and worth your money.  6 dumplings for $1.00.  We had a 6pk of Tecate, mixed sriracha and soy sauce together and killed those dumplings (they were pork, and delicious.)

pulling the noodles from your table.  Looks like huge pieces of taffy, the guy rips it and beats it …it’s very impressive.   We shared a few dishes and I’m not totally sure what was in them.  All I can remember is brains, tendons, feet, guts, and etc, etc.  It grossed me out a little but I tried it all.  I might never eat that again though.

Then, full blown dinner at Pacificana.  This place was huge. We walked up and were greeted by about 6 people in full uniform! It’s a fine establishment, ornate, professional.  There were a few families dining and about 60 empty banquet tables.  

We ordered a few dishes for the table, and they were all great. Even the cold jellyfish. The texture was so bizarre and it was really cold, mixed with pickled onion.  I’m glad I had it but I will probably do without it from here on out.

All in all, we had a really good time but I’ll be honest, I have never felt so bizzare internally.  I know we consumed a LOT of food and MSG and I felt swollen everywhere. Such an intense food hangover.  We ate strictly veggies for the next few days.

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