Well, hello. I am having a slight case of blog-fright right now. Not sure why, but it’s been a long time since I’ve written/created anything online (outside of social media) and I feel like I am ducking back into a bar in my hometown. Not sure what to expect or who will see me, or what they will think. The difference? This time I really don’t care what is seen or what is thought of me. During my hiatus from writing I have lost and loved greatly. I opened a store with my now-husband, and spent a lot of time reflecting on what is really right for me. Honestly, I still don’t have an answer about what is right for me, and I am pretty down and out about it (watched the entire season of “Once” in under 36 hours kind of down and out), but I had an eye opening realization that it might be because I wasn’t expressing myself anymore.
In August, when I got the email that once again, “ashleyfaye.com” was due to expire, I went back and forth about renewing it. I have been sitting on this domain for a few years, just because I wanted it, but never had the energy or any desire to write about my life again. I decided to renew it, and today, somehow, I built this blog and am now writing a post! How crazy how quickly the energies of the zine world can come back and sweep one up, and refresh them. Get it? refresh. I hit that button so many times today tweaking and tweaking.
It’s 7:20pm and I am sitting here in the store. I got here at 7:00am but I am still feeling energized. I had a total of 5 customers today, but it didn’t even bum me out. It’s also worth noting I am now on S2E13 of “Once” (listening more than watching, but it keeps me company). Right before I started writing this, I was beckoned up to the beach. The sky was pink and I could hear the waves from my desk. It was so refreshing. I have been thinking about how much I miss New York today. Autumn nights are the best nights for taking walks, I miss taking walks. Today is actually the first day of Autumn.
Joe took some work up north, with the NFL this week. I’m going to make chicken tacos tonight. I need to remind him to bring home some tortilla chips, and when I get home I have to check if the sour cream is still good. I love tacos. I always wished my family would have had “taco night” for dinner. Whenever I was at friends houses I wanted to eat 5 tacos! I love wrapping a crunchy shell in a soft shell.
I’m going to sign off now, and go let the animals out, take the chicken out of the freezer. Oh, and make sure that the DVR is recording the season premiere of Nashville tonight. How did the last season end again?
It’s good to be back.