Oh crap, you guys.. It just got a lot better! Since last year this time I was in the midst of my 365 Project, on a regular basis I go into iPhoto and check out where I was or what I was doing a year ago to the day. Well – you ready? – Last year today I had one of my most favorite days ever with Joe! We woke up super early, got bagels and met his Dad at the dock to go crabbing. We crabbed our little hearts out and listening to tunes and splooshed around all day. We went back to Joe’s house and his Mom and Sister were there and my Mom came over too! We cooked up the crabs and had a little feast on their patio. Joe had already asked me if I would go on a “Classic Boardwalk Date” with him that night, so I went back home and we respectively got ready for our night out. He came over, like a true gentlemen with flowers and a smooch on the cheek. We set off for Point Pleasant and played mini golf ( I WON ) and got cheese fries and ice cream and took photo booth pictures and he tried so hard to win me a toy in the crane. We went back to my house and had some beers, and watched a movie. It was a perfect summer day. This is hands down one of my favorite pictures of us, ever. Happy happy joy joy.