Well. We are here. Brooklyn, New York. I know this blog isn’t exactly what I had hoped it would turn out to be, but I am going to try to keep going with it (err, start it?). We went through hell in order to get our perfect apartment (lots of tears, belly aches, ripped up security checks and toll charges for the Verrazano Bridge). But we’re here, in a sun-drenched third floor walk up directly across from Prospect Park. It has beautiful original detailing throughout and is coming together bit by bit. Tomorrow Time Warner will come between 8 and 11 a.m and I will finally have internet access in my own living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and hallway. I miss geeking out online but I must admit the absence of those five little bars in my airport have allowed me to get actual things accomplished. Yet still – I have been documenting through pictures and words and every single little detail will come soon- via this blog.
Yesterday was our one week anniversary of moving in. Two nights ago I spent an hour and a half on the phone with my best friend while I drank cans of Budweiser and painted the bathroom “Tiffany’s blue”. Today I will begin the kitchen; it’s currently yellow but I am going to accent the walls with a “majestic purple”. Joe is working at the Food Network organizing things in their basement. I am used to seeing his face every second of the day, and I miss him already. I know I will see him in a few hours, but I am still lonely. His sister visited yesterday with her adorable daughter and gifted us $25 to Bed Bath and Beyond. We decided to get shower curtains. We have a claw foot tub so we need two! I researched store locations and there is one in Chelsea near his work…which means that my first subway ride into Manhattan will be a solo one. Better that way, right? My father and step-mom also visited yesterday and we had a fun time with them.
We lazied around the apartment and waited for the rain to stop, and when it didn’t, we ventured out for dinner with four umbrellas. We ended up at Cafe Steinhof for some perfect rainy day beers and Austrian grub. I opted for the wienerschnitzel and a weiss beer. Joe got the jaegerschnitzel, while my dad and Linda both got the sauerbraten.
Shortly after returning to our apartment my dad had to leave to head back to the beach house, which meant I could finally lay down. As I was laying on the couch, I could hear the Norah Jones concert going on across the street. After complaining to Joe about the rain preventing us from going, we decided to just go. Umbrellas were back up, hoods were on and we followed the music into the park to find the stage. There were a lot of people there and we were able to catch about five songs. Joe said, “So, this is the time we decided to go see Norah Jones in the pouring rain.” Indeed, it was. We came home, took hot showers and cuddled up with books. I fell asleep at 11 p.m. reading Bukowski. Joe said he has never seen me go to bed so early in all the time he has known me; I was quite wiped. I also got up at 8 a.m. this morning and cuddled with Stinky in bed watching An Education… totally different from the book but still very good. Tomorrow, Vanessa is coming up and we are going out for her birthday. I really love it here, it’s beginning to feel like home.
(moved from tumblr)

here are some bathroom photos 🙂