Archive | ourbklyn

Isn’t moving such a drag?

even though this day has come and gone, i still get anxiety looking at pictures from the big move. since our lease began june 1st and we obviously couldn’t get into the apartment sooner, we decided to spend the entire first day cleaning the apartment top to bottom. my mom was generous enough to come and help us clean and hot damn!, did our three man cleaning crew rock it! we were at it for about 8 hours straight and every (literally) nook and cranny of the apartment was bleached, murphied, scrubbed, wiped, polished, what have you.

we came back the following day with a packed to the brim uhaul and some of joe’s strongest friends to move everything else up those three, narrow, windy staircases. unfortunately some things didn’t make it (couch and hutch). it was really upsetting, the couch was actually stuck in the stairwell for a good thirty minutes until the boys had to basically tear it apart to dislodge it. joe’s granny gave us the piece and we felt so terrible that it was now a totally wrecked sidewalk decoration. the hutch belonged to my great grandmother and she had it since she was married. it’s a piece of furniture i got for my first apartment…my mom asked if I’d like to have it and I was flabbergasted. not only did my nana grow up fetching her dishes from this hutch, but so did my mom. then, it was my turn. i had the hutch in my apartments for a while but it sadly made its way into my dad’s basement because I was moving around too much. brooklyn seemed like the perfect re-debut! but when it didn’t make it around the final turn in the staircase, i stopped the guys immediately. i didn’t want it pushed at all. i am sad it’s not here in our apartment but I am very happy that it made it back down the stairs unharmed (lets all give the couch sad glances).

after everything made it safely into the apartment, we ordered two big pizzas and popped open a few cans of budweiser.  once everyone had left, it was just Joe and I, and all of our stuff.  in all of the potato chip boxes we collected from working at a restaurant, in black garage bags, stacked and squished. it was actually a nightmare. all i cared about was setting up the bed and falling asleep. which I did. i also managed to set up the dvd player and tv so we could watch friends. which by the way is not only one of my favorite shows ever but oh so new york, haha. before laying down for crash time, joe brought in a funnies section wrapped present for me. it was a book i had been eyeing up for a long time, Great White: The Majesty of Sharks. he said it was a coffee table book to add to my collection, for our coffee table. that book is amazing, the pictures are unreal and I have a complete fearful fascination with great whites. they just amaze me.

[ we had to take a classic “just got our keys!” picture | pile’o’boxes .. | scrubbing bubbles up from the floor to ceiling | wizzing up those stairs! the second landing behind joe is the turn the hutch didn’t make ]

[ empty living room before we left on day 1, ready to be moved in | my mom and i rocked the kitchen. you can’t tell from here, but it was pretty dirty to begin with and now it’s sparkling! | standing in front of our building before heading back to jersey | bill taking a break on the destroyed couch. that poor thing (couch, not bill) | buds, phones, tools, tv, etc ]

Painting the Kitchen

as i prep my kitchen for painting and put on my playlist to get pumped up, i hear the little chime of adium connecting me to aim! feeling shocked, i ran over to the computer and sure enough we have picked up a floating free connection! it’s drifting in and out, but i am pretty happy right now. these are the two walls that are about to get a makeover… and then some progress pictures.

well, it’s purple. i like it. it sort of reminds me of a princess’ bedroom and not a kitchen, but it’s all good. we like purple, a lot. after painting we took stinky for a long walk through the park where he attempted to bite off about six different dogs heads and eat four different small children. it was fun. joe also scored a nice food network cutting board and two lamps from storage! now, time for beers and maybe a board game. joe doesn’t know about the board game yet. oh yeah, we def just put the vinyl of prince’s “purple rain” on in celebration of the kitchen.


Well. We are here. Brooklyn, New York. I know this blog isn’t exactly what I had hoped it would turn out to be, but I am going to try to keep going with it (err, start it?). We went through hell in order to get our perfect apartment (lots of tears, belly aches, ripped up security checks and toll charges for the Verrazano Bridge). But we’re here, in a sun-drenched third floor walk up directly across from Prospect Park. It has beautiful original detailing throughout and is coming together bit by bit.  Tomorrow Time Warner will come between 8 and 11 a.m and I will finally have internet access in my own living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and hallway.  I miss geeking out online but I must admit the absence of those five little bars in my airport have allowed me to get actual things accomplished. Yet still – I have been documenting through pictures and words and every single little detail will come soon- via this blog.

Yesterday was our one week anniversary of moving in.  Two nights ago I spent an hour and a half on the phone with my best friend while I drank cans of Budweiser and painted the bathroom “Tiffany’s blue”. Today I will begin the kitchen; it’s currently yellow but I am going to accent the walls with a “majestic purple”.  Joe is working at the Food Network organizing things in their basement.  I am used to seeing his face every second of the day, and I miss him already.  I know I will see him in a few hours, but I am still lonely.  His sister visited yesterday with her adorable daughter and gifted us $25 to Bed Bath and Beyond. We decided to get shower curtains. We have a claw foot tub so we need two! I researched store locations and there is one in Chelsea near his work…which means that my first subway ride into Manhattan will be a solo one. Better that way, right? My father and step-mom also visited yesterday and we had a fun time with them.  
We lazied around the apartment and waited for the rain to stop, and when it didn’t, we ventured out for dinner with four umbrellas.  We ended up at Cafe Steinhof for some perfect rainy day beers and Austrian grub.  I opted for the wienerschnitzel and a weiss beer.  Joe got the jaegerschnitzel, while my dad and Linda both got the sauerbraten.  

Shortly after returning to our apartment my dad had to leave to head back to the beach house, which meant I could finally lay down. As I was laying on the couch, I could hear the Norah Jones concert going on across the street. After complaining to Joe about the rain preventing us from going, we decided to just go.  Umbrellas were back up, hoods were on and we followed the music into the park to find the stage.  There were a lot of people there and we were able to catch about five songs.  Joe said, “So, this is the time we decided to go see Norah Jones in the pouring rain.” Indeed, it was. We came home, took hot showers and cuddled up with books. I fell asleep at 11 p.m. reading Bukowski. Joe said he has never seen me go to bed so early in all the time he has known me; I was quite wiped. I also got up at 8 a.m. this morning and cuddled with Stinky in bed watching An Education… totally different from the book but still very good. Tomorrow, Vanessa is coming up and we are going out for her birthday. I really love it here, it’s beginning to feel like home.

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here are some bathroom photos 🙂


LOVE – being tucked in.

No one likes a lonely bed, right? I sure don’t. And, Well- I have no problem admitting here, on the internet, that yes- I am a total baby when it comes to being put to bed. I am 26 years old, and I still get that warm, fuzzy, lovey feeling when someone pulls the sheet up close to my face and kisses my forehead before I enter dream world.  As a little girl, my parents and I had several Tuck in rituals (I’ll spare you, but they are darn cute)  I always felt so special in my girly sheets and canopy bed, they always left my butterfly lamp on for me and I knew they would come back later to turn it off and make sure I was okay.  I always felt so lucky when they were both home to wish me a goodnight. At sleepovers, I had a hard time getting comfortable without a kiss and tuck.  That being said, I’ve never had a problem falling asleep and staying asleep (through mostly anything) BUT, I like to be sent on my way with well wishes.

Somehow, I lucked out with this man that I love- Joe.  He insists on tucking me in! I am a pig in mud over this because its just perfect.  No matter where we are, or who is around; when it’s time for Ashley to hit the hay, Joe is in tow;  ready to tuck.  We have been together two years now, and although I believe a relationship will always need effort and work- I also believe my lover boy doesn’t need to work any harder on knowing how his gal likes to sleep. He’s got it covered! (pun intended)

So, tell me girls, do you think you have your love’s sleeping routine down pat? Is there anything special that you do for your sleepy head to make sure they rest the way they need to? If not, work on it! I think they will be uber-excited and also maybe pay extra special attention to your pillows and blankies.  Sleep is very important, and feeling good before you go to bed makes your time-off worthwhile.

The Holy Modal Rounders

The Holy Modal Rounders are a band that my Dad has loved for as long as I can remember.  As he grew older and focused more on his own music, he ended up becoming quite good friends with the band.  When I was in high school, they filmed a portion of their documentary in our basement.  It was quite the scene, I wish I could back back and appreciate it fully as an adult.  Steve Weber (picture, singing) used to attend our family holidays, as my Dad became a close friend.  Peter Stampfel is still in touch, he just put out a record with Jeffrey Lewis (think, Moldy Peaches)  The music makes me feel happy and strange.  They were pioneers of the psychedelic folk scene.

[ our basement ]

A Week Ago

A week ago I decided to start this blog.  I figured it would be a fun way to document our move for family and friends, and also an excuse to organize and get the ball rollin.  That was a week ago.  I couldn’t find the time to even make a username until today. I can’t really seem to find time to do anything.  Last week was my first day back at work after twelve days of traveling around Costa Rica.  It was a rough first day, especially when I walked in and found out I wasn’t on a normal lunch shift, but really a closing lunch.  This means I stay 2-3 hours longer then I would normally, but it was ok; I made some cash.  Cash is something I really need since I spent way too much of it on our trip.  My first week back was successful – after 42 hours on my feet I made a little less then what I would realistically need for my portion of a month’s rent in New York.  It was reassuring because currently I am working in a beach town during winter season, so hopefully it will be better waitressing in New York. Today is my first day off since that day back, and my next day off is a week from Thursday.  Lots of work.. big things ahead! – Ashley

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Point Pleasant, NJ

this night i earned the most money during my career at frankies.
i hung out with joe afterward. we drank scotch, took this photo, ate buffalo chicken fingers i brought home from work, and took a dip in the pool. love summer in point pleasant. august 2009.